Sammlung von wichtigen Begriffen
Psalm 1
gentle ~ when you are careful and kind
godless ~ the same as "godless people", see list
after Psalm 41
greedy ~ when you take more than you need
joy ~ when you feel really happy deep inside you
judgment ~ verse 5 on the next page explains it
peace ~ when you do not fight God or anybody else
Holy Spirit ~ The Holy Spirit is another name for God
The Bible ~ The Bible has two parts. One is the Old Testament. It tells us
what happened to the Jews before Jesus came to the earth. The Book of Psalms is
in the Old Testament. The other part is the New Testament. It tells us about
Jesus and the Church. John and Galatians are in the New Testament.
Psalm 2
honour ~ when people see someone as great and good.
sceptre ~ a special stick that a king held
clay ~ a material that people dig from the ground
Psalm 3
no words!