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Mramorak Village:
Extractions of Banat Emmigrants in
Pre-WW I US Customs & Immigration
Passenger Ship Records
by David
of South San Francisco, California: eMail address:ddreyer@pacbell.net
© Copyright 1998: text by Davis Dreyer, web coding by
John Movius, all rights
First Posted: 5 November 1998
Background and INDEXEmigration from
Banat Villages
Name ................ Age ... Date .......... Ship .......... Ports .......... Destination
BAUMHAUER Adam 18 26 Nov 1904 Finland Ant/NY Mansfield
BECKER Christian 42 21 Dec 1901 Hannover Bre/Bal Philadelphia
BITSCH Johann 36 12 May 1906 Slavonia Fiu/NY St. Louis
BITSCH Philip 35 15 Jun 1911 Cassel Bre/Bal St. Louis
Accompanied by wife, Julianna 30 and kids, Elisabeth 11 and Philip 4.
All were born at Mramorak.
His mother, Elisabeth Bitsch, lives at 118 Mramorak.
Going to join brother-in-law, Karl Mikusch.
Philip and Julianna are escorting Gotfried Steinmetz 9, and Andreas Geist 11.
Gotfried Steinmetz was born at Mramorak.
He is beimg escorted to his father, Filip Steinmetz
Andreas Geist 11, was born at Pantschowa.
Andreas'mother, Franziska Geist, lives at 422 Mramorak
He is being escorted to his brother, Peter Geist.
BOHLAND Adam 18 22 Nov 1906 Cassel Bre/Bal Mansfield
Born at Mramorak.
Going to join uncle, Jakob Boland.
BOHLAND Detrich 42 28 Oct 1903 Noordam Rot/NY Chicago
Going to join brother-in-law, Johann Kratoville.
BOHLAND Philip 32 17 May 1905 Vaderland Ant/NY Mansfield
Accompanied by wife, Elisabeth 32 and daughter, Elisabeth 2.
BOLAND Anton 24 22 Nov 1906 Cassel Bre/Bal Mansfield
Born at Mramorak.
Going to join brother, Jakob Boland.
BOLAND Johann 31 21 Dec 1901 Hannover Bre/Bal Mansfield
BOLAND Peter 23 6 Apr 1903 Main Bre/Bal Steelton Pennsylvania
BORSIN Jaszon 31 24 Jan 1906 Rotterdam Rot/NY New York
DANZ Christian 47 17 May 1905 Vaderland Ant/NY
Accompanied by wife, Katharine 44 and sons, Jakob 17, Willhelm 11 and Georg 9. Going to join son,
Christian Danz.
DINGER Adam 24 6 Apr 1903 Main Bre/Bal Steelton Pennsylvania
EDER Friedrich 32 27 Jun 1900 Rhein Bre/Bal Baltimore
Accompanied by wife, Margaret 30 and kids, Adam 7 and Maria 10/12.
EDER Josef 19 7 Apr 1897 Crefeld Bre/Bal St. Louis
Going to join brother, Philipp Eder.
GAUBATZ Anton 20 8 May 1903 Koeln Bre/Bal Mansfield
GAUBATZ Jakob 30 14 May 1906 Slavonia Fiu/NY St. Louis
Accompanied by wife, Dorothea 29 and daughters, Kristina 7 and Susanna 4 1/2.
Going to join uncle, ? Schwalen ?
GAUBATZ Michael 44 2 Jun 1903 Noordam Rot/NY Mansfield
Accompanied by wife, Katharine 43 and kids, Konrad 9, Fritz 7 and Katharine 4.
Going to join son-in-law, Josef Schaad.
HARICH Karl 39 3 May 1903 Neckar Bre/Bal Mansfield
Accompanied by wife, Margaret 36 and kids, Eva 16, Julianna 14, Kristian 12, Friedrich 6, Elisabeth 4, Karl
3, Adam 2, Richard 1 1/2.
Going to join brother-in-law, Friedrich Mayer.
HECKER Barbara 32 26 Jun 1902 Brandenburg Bre/Bal Mansfield
Accompanied by kids, Julianna 9, Elisabeth 6, Philipp 3 and Magdalena 11/12.
Going to join husband, Philipp Hecker.
HERGATH Johann 33 3 May 1903 Neckar Bre/Bal Mansfield
Accompanied by wife, Katharine 30 and kids, Salomea 7, Nikolaus 4 and Johann 1 1/2.
Going to join brother, KPhilipp Hergatt.
HUBER Karl 62 26 Jun 1902 Brandenburg Bre/Bal Washington D.C.
Accompanied by wife, Elisabeth 63 and granddaughter, Theresia 8.
Going to join son, Karl Huber who is also the father of Theresia.
HUBER Simon 22 14 Jun 1902 Chemnitz Bre/Bal Baltimore
Accompanied by wife, Rosalia 22.
Going to join brother, Karl Huber.
JAHRICH Johann 26 21 Dec 1901 Hannover Bre/Bal Mansfield
Was previously in the U. S., 1898-1901, in Chicago.
KANZ Kristian 20 10 Apr 1903 Breslau Bre/Bal Steelton
KASCHUBA Friedrich 23 25 Feb 1901 Bonn Bre/Bal Baltimore
Accompanied by wife, Elisabeth.
KRATSCHWILL Johann 33 16 Jun 1903 Potsdam Rot/NY Chicago
Accompanied by wife, Lausa 23.
Was previously in the U. S., 1892-1903.
KRUMESZ Salomea 35 25 Oct 1906 Rhein Bre/NY Calgary Canada
Accompanied by daughter, Katharine 11.
Going to join husband, Ferdinand Krumesz.
In transit to Canada.
MATTERN Anna 21 31 May 1907 Chemnitz Bre/Bal Washington DC
Born at Mramorak.
Going to join brother-in-law, Simon Huber.
MAYER Alexander 39 21 Dec 1901 Hannover Bre/Bal Mansfield
Traveling with Jakob Mayer 34.
Alexander was previously in the U. S., 1898-1901, at Chicago.
MUELLER Julianna 32 1 Dec 1903 Finland Ant/NY Mansfield
Accompanied by kids, Georg 9, Julianna 6, Magdalena 3, Johann 1 1/2 and Maria 4/12.
Going to join husband, Johann Mueller.
OBENKUDA Michael 18 1 Dec 1903 Finland Ant/NY Mansfield
Going to join stepfather, Johann Mueller.
POHLAND Elisabeth 24 1 Sep 1903 Potsdam Rot/NY Steelton
Accompanied by kids, Peter 4 and Elisabeth 11/12.
Going to join husband, Peter Pohland.
REITTER Christina 24 19 May 1904 Brandenburg Bre/Bal Mansfield
Accompanied by daughters, Elisabeth 4 and Sidoma 3.
Going to join husband, Phiolip Reiter.
RUSS Josef 47 23 Oct 1906 Trave Bre/Bal Mansfield
Accompanied by kids, Emma 24, Emerich 13, Elisabeth 10 and Josef 7.
All were born at Mramorak.
SCHAAD Eleman 19 2 Jun 1903 Noordam Rot/NY Mansfield
Going to join husband, Josef Schaad.
SCHLAUFFMANN Wilhelm 31 9 Jun 1907 Neckar Bre/Bal Steelton
Going to join brother, Johann Schlaufmann.
SCHAUFMANN Wilhelm 61 17 May 1905 Vaderland Ant/NY Steelton
Accompanied by wife, Katharine 59, daughter-in-law, Elisabeth 29 and her sons, Johann 8, Jakob 3 6/12,
Wilhelm 2 6/12 and Andreas 1 6/12.
Going to join son, Johann Schaufmann who is also the husband of Elisabeth.
SCHMAHL Karl 28 9 May 1901 H H Meier Bre/NY Mansfield
Karl was born 26 Oct 1872 at Mramorak
His wife, Rosina, died 4 Apr 1942 (R Schmahl).
SCHMAHL Johann 24 27 Sep 1906 Frankfurt Bre/Bal Mansfield
Born at Mramorak.
Going to join brother-in-law, Franz Greischer.
SCHMALL Rosina 29 21 Aug 1901 Hannover Bre/Bal Mansfield
Accompanied by kids, Karl 4 3/4 and Friedrich 3 3/4.
Going to join husband, Karl Schmidt (sic).
SCHOLLER Katharine 18 1 Dec 1903 Finland Ant/NY Mansfield
Going to join brother-in-law, Johann Mueller.
SCHOLLER Heinrich 20 27 May 1903 Dresden Bre/Bal Mansfield
Going to join brother-in-law, Josef Muller.
SCHWALM Friedrich 40 23 May 1901 Frankfurt Bre/Bal Mansfield
Accompanied by wife, Katharine 46 and kids, Fritz 6 and Katharine 4.
SOHL Andreas 41 21 Aug 1901 Hannover Bre/Bal Philadelphia
Accompanied by wife, Elisabeth 38 and kids, Julie 13, Andreas 11 and Elisabeth 6.
SOHL Elisabeth 25 1 Dec 1903 Finland Ant/NY Mansfield
Accompanied by son, Karl 2.
Going to join husband, Friedrich Sohl.
SOHL Friedrich 23 21 Dec 1901 Hannover Bre/Bal Mansfield
Going to join brother, Andreas Sohl.
SOHL Heinrich 19 23 Mar 1902 Hannover Bre/Bal Mansfield
Going to join brother, Heinrich Sohl.
SOHL Jakob 46 26 Jun 1902 Brandenburg Bre/Bal Mansfield
Accompanied by wife, Anna 43 and kids, Sofia 19, Maria 17, Jakob 15, Karl 11 and Anna 9.
Going to join son, Friedrich Sohl.
SPESZEL Adam 30 6 Apr 1903 Main Bre/Bal Mansfield
SPERZEL Katharine 25 1 Sep 1903 Potsdam Rot/NY Mansfield
Accompanied by daughter, Eva 10/12.
Going to join husband, Johann Spierzel.
STEINMETZ Eva 24 25 Oct 1906 Rhein Bre/NY St. Louis
Accompanied by sons, Gottfried 4 and Filip 3.
All were born at Mramorak.
Going to join husband, Filip Steinmetz.
TAPPER Margaretha 42 22 Dec 1903 Zeeland Ant/NY Mansfield
Accompanied by kids, Theresia 21, Filipina 19, Michael 11 and Johann 2.
Going to join husband, Daniel Tapper.
URSCHL Kristina 27 13 Apr 1906 Erlangen Bre/Bal Cleveland
Accompanied by daughters, Elisabeth 4 and Katharine 9/12.
Going to join husband, Konrad Urschl.
WALD Barbara 32 16 Jun 1903 Friedrich der Grosse Bre/NY Mansfield
Accompanied by daughter, Kristina 3.
Going to join husband, Franz Wild.
WALD Philip 55 16 Jun 1903 Friedrich der Grosse Bre/NY Mansfield
Accompanied by wife, Kristina 56.
Going to join son, Filip Wild.
ZIMMERMANN Andreas 21 9 Jun 1903 Neckar Bre/Bal Steelton
ZIMMERMANN Dietrich 24 20 Oct 1903 Ryndam Rot/NY St. Louis
Going to join cousin, Josef Eder.
ZIMMERMANN Elisabeth 20 1 Dec 1903 Finland Ant/NY Mansfield
Going to join husband, Andreas Zimmermann.
Background and INDEXEmigration from
Banat Villages
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